

Today, I am thankful for my friendships that weather the many storms of life! A people pleas er, I shy away from conflict, I will assume responsibility for my actions, and I am uncomfortable with the thought of disappointing people. However, I have learned that conflict has its place, I shouldn't always shoulder the blame or responsibility as it's okay to hold others up to the same standards I hold myself, and no matter what I do- I will disappoint people along the way, that's just the way the cookie crumbles. What I have also learned, tho, is that as long as I am true to myself and honest with those around me, those who love me best will never stray. I've lost some close friends over the years, particularly these last few years, and I am not even entirely sure what I did "wrong." What I do know, however, is that sometimes I have to accept that there is nothing I can do to change a person's opinion. Sometimes, I can't even defend myself because sometimes, others don't want to hear what I have to say.

I have the best friends a girl could ask for. Friends that understand that I'm tired on Friday nights, that I don't like leaving my kids with babysitters very often, that I can't leave Kacy with just "anyone," that my husband works harder than most anyone I know- and trying to balance a marriage, family life, and faith doesn't leave much room for socializing, and that when I get the chance to finally stay home-- that's my preference and it's pretty hard to talk myself into anything else. My friends understand this. I figured this out a few years back-- I will be the best friend I can be while trying to maintain a balance. My friends have to be the kind that know that I adore them -- even if it's been weeks or even months since we had time together. Picking up where we left off, without awkwardness or feeling resentful, is top priority! So through all the challenges, what God has been doing is allowing me to sift through my acquaintances and find the gems that I call my best friends. Girls-- I love ya'! Thanks for being the diamonds in my sky!

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