Over the past 6 years, we have met more doctors and specialists then we can remember the names and faces of. A few stick out in my mind and heart as memorable.
Kacy's first neurologist, Dr. LeFond, was an amazingly brilliant and caring woman who saw us through one of the most difficult times in Kacy's life. She worked tirelessly to find the right "cocktail" of seizure meds to get them under control. She finally did. We were heartbroken when she left Spokane for the East Coast.
Dr. Frostad, who has been practicing pediatric medicine for years and years and years is possibly one of my favorite people. He's a straight shooter, doesn't sugar-coat things, but truly cares about the kids. He's the kind of doctor who will call on the phone to check on his patients, and he talks to me like my dad--he uses a "tough love"approach. He recently had to be "firm" with me about getting Kacy into the Shriner's Hospital for an evaluation. I was suppose to do it a couple years ago, but didn't follow up when I learned we would be waiting 4 months for an appointment. He wasn't happy about that, and he let m
e know. I'm currently in the process of getting Kacy on their list again. He's right, and I know it. I appreciate the fact that he is pushing me to do the right thing.
Dr. Howlett may be the next doctor that leaves a distinct impression on us. Before meeting him, we were "warned" by one of his co-workers that he is a bad dresser and he's crazy! Eventhough we knew the comment was made to lessen Tyler's anxiety, it didn't actually have that effect initially. Turns out, he is a horrible dresser, but he is great with Tyler. At Tuesday's appointment, they discovered they have a lot in common--specifically hunting and a love for cattle. He's a bow hunter and he gave us a "private tour" of his personal office. It was filled with several trophy mounts from his hunting trips. Lodge pine shelves were filled with hunting photos and wildlife pictures. Tyler thought it was "awesome!" When the doctor got down to the subject at hand, though, his seriousness was hard to misinterpret. So... we're off to Sacred Heart tomorrow morning. His procedure is scheduled to begin at 8:00 AM and should only take a half hour. Because it will be painful, Tyler may need to stay in the hospital overnight for pain control. Once we have the results of the biopsy, we will decide what the next step will be.
Brett and Kacy are at Gramma Phyllis' for the night. They said their good-byes and good-lucks with tear-filled eyes, but they are strong-- no tears actually fell. I had to promise Brett a phone call tomorrow after lunch recess. And Kacy, well, Gramma is taking him to get his new braces for his feet tomorrow, so we'll be anxious to get home and see them on him!
On Monday, I recieved a card from a dear friend. It reads, "When you're stressed out, a nice warm bath usually helps. (inside) I've been in here since last Thursday, how about you?" --I think I'll go run myself a bath!
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